Our Safety Program

Safety Matters:
Job safety is not only your concern – it’s our priority. That’s why we invest in training our employees and enhancing our safety program.

Our Commitment to Safety:
Kingdom Refra’s commitment to quality and cost-effective service is met through wise stewardship of resources, both ours and those of our customers. From our inception, people have been our most valuable resource, which we pro-actively protect through a variety of health, safety and environmental programs designed not only for regulatory compliance, but also to create an environment where safe performance is encouraged and rewarded.

Policies and Procedures:
Our policies and procedures are tailored to the specific exposures encountered in our refractory work and in the industries we serve. It is from these policies and procedures that we train our craftsmen and hold them accountable.

We work for project owners who have their own high safety expectations and standards, which we embrace on each and every project. The process begins during the planning stages, where our project managers and superintendents collaborate with the facility managers to identify and analyze the hazards and determine the necessary controls and responsibilities. We assign a full-time safety professional to supervise the work on larger jobs.